I accept this award with honour and humility, and must now, I believe, continue by nominating 5 other blogs that make me think.
As with all things in life there are rules, in this case, three:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award on your site with a link to the post that you wrote.
So here we go - as Becca mentioned, I've only been at this a short time, so my blogroll needs time to grow, but hey, gotta start somewhere...
1 - Chris at Exquisitely Bored In Nacogdoches: Taste in music and movies, intercut with photography of small-town America - anyone who likes the music of Dave Brubeck and the movies of Frank Sinatra is a man of my stripe and no mistake.
2 - J.D. at Joe's Movie Corner: This site makes me think so much my head hurts - but in a good way. Makes me realise how much thinking I've not been doing lately...
3 - Rachelle at Living Between Wednesdays: The European translation would probably be Living Between Thursdays, but it works for me. It's always good to see reviews of some of the comicbooks I read by people actually involved in the retail side, and Rachelle's take on some of the more bizarre Batman/Superman stories of yesteryear is good for a laugh.
4 - Mick at Doc40: Mick Farren is an author, musician and counterculture commentator who's been writing for some time. Go there. Read.
and finally,
5 - I'm intent on introducing new pages, so Brent at I Am A Child Of Television - congratulations! Brent is a Canadian, which can't be bad, and knows all the words to three national anthems. What more need be said?
However, humile as I am, I cannot but recognise Becca's act in nominating me for this award.
I had planned to award her a TBP by return but figured that this might cause some sort of existential loop which, let's face it, would be bad.
So instead I award Becca 50 points and a Silver No-Prize (really prestigious on Neptune, believe me) and trust that all will acknowledge her wisdom and greatness.
As for the award, here it is:
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled, er, schedule...
It's taken four months, and I finally have one! Thanks, Captain!
Phew! Thanks for saving me from that existential loop crisis!
Hooray! I got a silver no prize! That's the coolest thing anyone has awarded me today.
By the way your blog rocks and I was so glad I got a chance to thank you for that!
J.D. - thought I said it already, but you're welcome - I see you're having fun with it already. Good man.
Becca - Ah yes, the No-Prize. I think Stan Lee had something to do with its creation, but it's mine now...
And the best thing is there's no extra work involved - cool, eh?
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